Overwatch League has begun. The greatest endeavour of Blizzard in the eSports scene has started and the first day was a success, resulting with huge viewership and blessed with good matches. But Overwatch League is more than the celebration of a great game where people watch the best players. It's greatest contribution to the playerbase it the knowledge that the matches provide. There are already very informative streamers that play in the highest skill level but it's not every day that we can enjoy well coordinated teams that play the game as it's supposed to be played. So, some of the things that we learnt from the first day of the Overwatch League might already be known to the audience that already follows the competitive scene. But for a new viewers pov there are some key points I want to highlight. Not all the heroes are efficient to be played at all times but almost all of them have a place in the game. Mercy is still the queen of the meta, t...
I'm a writer at enternity.gr and also a beekeeper. This is a personal blog where I talk about various subjects, mostly about video games.