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What we got from the Death Stranding trailer

What we got from Death Stranding newest trailer? Not much.
The trailer gave no clues about the main storyline and it wasn't a gameplay trailer either. That doesn't mean that we didn't get any information.

For the first time we saw that the black goo has the effect of rapidly ageing life. The grass is withering and the guy that is trapped ages as well. We finally saw that the fetuses are probably clones that are connected by a umbilical cord. The baby inside the belly of Reedus' character is how that connection looks like. It seems like the guy (let's call him guy No 1) that was originally carrying the fetus and the baby itself gave a thumbs up. Could that mean that a person can transfer his memories and consciousness to a clone? Probably. That would explain that scene where No 1 stabs himself while he's pulled to the sky. We know that he's not already dead as he levitates and Reedus' character (named Sam) doesn't know his final fate. It seems that when the baby thumbs up, he's relieved. Maybe the goo can now help the fetus grow extremely fast to an adult? It would make sense. What about the guy that he's trapped (guy No 2)? Why the guy with the fetus (No 1) says he's sorry when he kills him even though himself doesn't seem to be worried about stabbing himself. Probably because the trapped guy doesn't have a clone to pass his consciousness and for him, death would be permanent. But why doesn't No 2 have a baby clone? At the start of the trailer, Sam goes towards a dead body that wears as a helmet that looks very similar to the tank that usually carries the babies. What if his clone was exposed and aged rapidly before he could transfer his soul?
It seams that the threat of this world is extradimensional. And to be precise, from a dimension that has control over death. The black goo is created by death but it's also the fuel of life. And it seems like it's the membrane that separates the two cosmos, ours and that of death. The "floaters" and the shadow colossus seems to be natives of that world, an upside world that not only to pulls living beings towards them but also they guide them towards a specific place. Is that a parallel world? Does the "others" cross to ours? Does our protagonists slips into theirs? Or are both of our worlds intertwined? That's hard to say.
The best thing about the newest trailer of Death Stranding is that it exposes us to its world and its lore but at the same time it also keeps the mystery that surrounds its story. This was trailer that gave much more informations and that's because the two previous trailers were mostly about revealing the cast. The most important thing is that we saw a vision and it's execution. Death Stranding will probably be a defining moment for Kojima. Some creators need someone to guide them so they won't get lost and sidetrack. Some others need freedom to create their masterpieces. Will this be a soaring masterpiece? Or a descend to madness?


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